Harold is too pessimistic about lexisnexis.com. The new edition (18(3)) is
already there (as is 18(2)). For torts junkies who are not all that good
with the interweb (ie people like me) you click the sources tab, go to
Australia, and find it under T. The direct links to the Australian site
will not of course work.
> The last issue of the /Torts Law Journal/ for this year is now
> available for those who have access to the LexisNexis Australian site.
> The Table of Contents, with hyperlinks to that site, is attached. Hard
> copies will be going out to individual subscribers and libraries.
> Eventually, the contents will be incorporated in the Lexis.com database,
> but this takes time (the contents of the previous issue, 18(2), are not
> there yet).
> Contributions to be considered for publication in next year's issues are
> again invited. We welcome case notes, comments and articles that are of
> interest in the field of torts and its alternatives.
> Regards,
> Harold.
> --
> *Harold Luntz*
> Professor Emeritus
> Law School
> The University of Melbourne
> *General Editor
> /Torts Law Journal/
> *
Robert Stevens
Professor of Commercial Law
University College London